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Dogs Are Color Blind

Director - Orna Raviv and Johanan Raviv
1996, Hebrew

Cast: Keren Mor, Dov Navon, Rami Hoyberger, Menashe Noy,
Shmil Ben-Ari, Shaul Mizrahi

A Five Minutes Walk
Play Video

Once upon a time, one night in down Tel Aviv. Tsiki and Naomi a yuppie couple, come home to find that their house has been broken into. They have been cleaned. This does not prevent Tsiki from setting out to watch a football match with his mates,
While Naomi sets out to the local police station to file a complaint…
Tsiki never gets to watch his match; instead he is introduced to the shady side of town. Stunned out of his wits he spends the night with a friendly whore and her bizarre pimp.
Naomi gets to the police station only to leave it despondent and bemused with the system. She doesn`t file a complaint. Regardless, she is spotted by Claude, the handsome investigating cop in charge who pays her visit... and takes her for a ride in town. Naomi, a 31 and a half, a successful businesswomen and spouse who is on the look for satisfaction is swept away into an amorous adventure.
The comic situations which all occur during this one long night shake Naomi and Tsiki to their primal instincts and to the bottom of their souls.
This is a Funny film about a dream coming true, the fulfillment of the most intimate of fantasies… not to be shared with anyone

Script: Orna Raviv, Noam Berkovitz, Amos Ever Hadani
Photography: Avi Koren
Music: Teapacks

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