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Director - David Kreiner 
1996,  Hebrew

Cast: Adam Aboulafia, Ava Hadad, Shmuel Edelman

A Five Minutes Walk
Play Video

Fourteen year old Yoni is expelled from school. His violent, domineering father decides to educate his son by sending him out to work, while his mother searches for a school that will accept him. The deeply rooted conflict between mother and father escalates and undermines the family framework.

Yoni seeks refuge in music, his buddy, Micky, and his neighbor Ruthi, who becomes his first love. His parents finally agree on sending him to a boarding school, which for Yoni, is tantamount to exile. Yoni gathers all of his resources in an attempt to overturn the horrible verdict...

This poetic and sensitive film begins with a whisper and ends in a loud cry for lost childhood, the disintegration of family, first sexual encounters and the end of innocence.

Script: David Kreiner
Photography: Dror More
Editor: Tova Asher
Music: Micha Shitrit and Aviv Gefen

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